
Let me introduce you...

I would like to introduce you to someone.

Yes I am talking about this handsome man to your left.

His name is Nick, and not only is he the best friend I have, he is an extremely amazing boyfriend.

I always find it funny that God brought us together, truely reaching from the far east and west for us to meet. But boy, am I ever glad he did!

Nick is a very interesting character. He is quite funny, he always knows how to make me laugh or smile when I need it most. He carries this certain calmness about him, this certain peace so that when I am with him I know that things will be OK. Yeah...Nick is great. He loves sushi and saucages, but hates whip cream and cheesecake. He defiantely has a particular taste in movies, but I have come to appreciate Elvis and James Dean much more from being around him. Nick truely is a loyal friend, and I am blessed to have him in my life.


Anonymous said...

miss you and love you a hundred times! call me 306-352-2543, ask for the crazy girl with hair and shoes. That Nick charachter is hot but not as hot as you.

Anonymous said...

This is john... from babaganush.... hey i like how nick can fit in your hand... where do you get em like that....

Anonymous said...

Hey, it was so good to see you this summer. You are doing an amazing job there and I'm so proud of you for pressing through hard times. Nick sounds great, if you leaders approve I do too! Glad you found someone great because you deserve it. Love you, April