

Its a beautiful thing.

I've realized lately that I have really grown in a lot of ways.
The part of me that always was so self conscious doesn't seem to be there as much anymore.

I know a bit more of who I am, what i like, what I believe, who God is to me, who I want to be, who I am becomming, where I came from, how big I dream, my strengths, my weakness's...
and I've realized that I am more comfortable in my own skin then I ever have been. It feels good. It feels good not wearing masks. It feels good not worrying about thinking about what others are thinking or worrying about.
I love letting God show Himself through me.
I love the imagination God has given me.
I love my journey, and the people He has placed in my path, they are beautiful and I learn so much through them.


My Engedi said...

you DO rock!

Ryan said...

hey, me want new post!! you write blog now! please.